Our Thoughts

Over time our blog will become a repository of insightful updates on key developments relating to responsibly embracing AI. For now, enjoy a series of posts relating to hot topic areas of AI development, interspersed with an occasional creative foray.

Road to Amherst Road to Amherst

If a machine learning model was a chef…

Complicated concepts are more easily understood if framed in the guise of a good analogy. For fun, this post aims to demystify machine learning — the technique that underpins modern AI — by looking at it through a culinary lens.

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Lynette Webb Lynette Webb

AI safety is in the spotlight - what is it all about, and should you worry?

Recently there’s been a flurry of activity to do with AI safety. While the focus to date is on those at the forefront of cutting edge AI development, the guidelines that emerge will likely have implications for all businesses who use AI. This post provides a four-part overview for anyone new to the AI safety debate.

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