Independent support to help you embrace AI in the Right Way.

Road to Amherst was founded because we believe in 3 fundamental truths.

The most transformative technology humans have ever wielded is at our fingertips.

Harnessed well, AI has the power to reinvent every facet of an organisation.

The decisions we make today will reverberate for years to come.

Our mission

Independent support to help you embrace AI in the right way. And when we say the ‘right way’, we mean both in a way that will deliver real value, and also in a way that is responsible and safe.

There’s a lot of hype in the AI space right now - a lot is deserved, a lot is overstated.

Our mission is to you cut through the noise and offer a pragmatic perspective on where to play, and when to wait. Where AI could add value, versus where it’s not going to move the dial right now. And how you can begin to future proof the organisation to be AI ready in the future.

Get in touch